Updated Law Library Catalog

The Texas Tech Law Library has redesigned the library catalog look and feel, to provide better service for our patrons.  There are many features that are intended to assist you while you are conducting your research.  The Law Library faculty and staff will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have.

When you visit the Law Library homepage you will see the search box immediately at the center top of the page.  Performing a search from this screen will provide you with search results that are located here at the Law School.

You can also go directly to the library catalog by visiting this link:   https://ttu-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo-explore/search?vid=Law_View&lang=en_US&sortby=rank

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If you wish to search the holdings of other campus collections, click the dropdown menu at the end of the search box.  You will see a list of all of the different campus libraries/collections that you can choose from.

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You are also able to see/manage your library checkouts, fines, etc. from either the Guest link in the upper right part of the screen or the Sign In link that is right below the Search box.    Updated Catalog 4

Click on either the Sign In or Guest link and you will be taken to a screen where you will select the TTU Students, Faculty and Staff (eRaider) option.

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Once you have successfully entered your eRaider login information you will see your personal information in the upper right portion of the library catalog screen.

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By clicking your eraider link you will then be able to select the My Library Card option to see everything that you have checked out from any library on campus, not just the Law Library.  You will also be able to see Requests (ILL/Document Delivery), Fines & Fees, etc.

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In the updated interface, there are links to various items that you might find useful.  There is a link back to the Law Library homepage and a button that will allow you to restart your search from the beginning.  You are also able to access the electronic resources for the University Library as well as the Law Library, using the Databases A-Z and Law Databases links.  Finally, there is a Browse button that allows users that might not really know what they are looking for, to Browse.

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When you have your search results, but there are too many items to looks through, don’t forget the facets on the left hand side that can assist you with narrowing the results to a more manageable number.

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There are some handy tips about using your search results effectively.  When you are searching just the Law Library holdings ALL of your search results will be items physically located here at the Law School or maybe something we provide access to electronically.

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While you are searching in the library catalog, please remember that you can also use the ILL service if you come across something that isn’t currently available.  Click on the Checked Out notice and choose the Get It/Request It option on the next screen.

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You will be automatically taken to the ILL website so that you can fill out the ILL form.  The most important thing to remember is that you have to be logged in with your eraider in order for this to work correctly.

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There are more features that you might find useful and we would be happy to show and explain them.  If you have any questions about the new catalog please contact Sue Kelleher at 806-834-2615 ( sue.kelleher@ttu.edu ) or contact any librarian for assistance.