Bloomberg/BNA’s The Family law Reporter Featured Spotlight: Insights

This is the second post in a four-part series spotlighting Bloomberg/BNA’s The Family law Reporter.

Bloomberg/BNA’s The Family Law Reporter includes “Bloomberg Law Insights.” Insights are short scholarly articles providing perspectives on varying family law issues from experts in the field. They may be accessed from the main page by selecting “All Bloomberg Law Insights” under the “Bloomberg Law Insights” section. The main page also displays some of the more recent articles.


Scrolling through the insights, each entry includes a short biography of the author and often the beginning sentences of the article. Here, there is an article by Natalie Lemos and Paul Leinoff entitled: “Interspousal Agreements: Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements: Do They Really Work?”


Selecting the link will take us to the brief article, written by two experienced practitioners, on the effectiveness of interspousal agreements.


Access to Bloomberg/BNA’s The Family law Reporter database is available through the Texas Tech Law Library website under the Electronic Databases tab.

Author: Marin Dell

Texas Tech School of Law Library - Librarian, Attorney, Law Library Faculty, Adjunct Faculty, loves all things law, libraries and tech/Tech