Bloomberg BNA Banking Report: What is it?

This is the first is a four part series blog post spotlighting

Banking attorneys operate in a constantly evolving industry. From capital requirements, to consumer protection and data security, Bloomberg Law: Banking has everything you need to effectively research the new changes in the banking world. This fully searchable, integrated solution combines banking-related legal news, primary law sources, state law comparison charts and trackers, as well as practical analysis on a single, task-based platform. banking-1

The  “Highlights” section on the home page updates you on the most recent news in the banking world. The most recent articles are presented at the top of the section.


On the left side of the home page of Banking Report you can find “Hot Topics” broken down into specific categories of “Bank Supervision”, “Capital Requirements”, “Consumer Finance”, “International Banking”, and “Mortgages.”

In the middle of the home page you will see a button titled “News Archive” this will allow a search by date of news that has been covered by the Banking Report.


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After clicking on “News Archive” a list appears to start a search of the news that was previously covered for a precise search by date.banking-4

Access to Bloomberg/BNA Banking Report database is available through the Texas Tech Law Library website under the Electronic Databases tab.


Author: Marin Dell

Texas Tech School of Law Library - Librarian, Attorney, Law Library Faculty, Adjunct Faculty, loves all things law, libraries and tech/Tech