Bloomberg BNA U.S. Law Week Featured Spotlight: On the Merits Blog

Bloomberg BNA U.S. Law Week: On the Merits Blog

This the final post in a four part series spotlighting Bloomberg BNA U.S. Law Week.


Bloomberg’s U.S. Law Week: On the Merits Blog focuses on recent Supreme Court decisions, current issues on the docket, and constitutional issues that are in the news. Occasionally, the blog will have posts on the intersection of politics and judicial issues. For example, the blog recently published a post of Vice President Joe Biden’s criticism of Donald Trumps’ treatment of the judiciary. The Blog posts are written by legal scholars and pre-law scholars with political science backgrounds. Clicking on “more” in the box on the main page will open up a separate browser that leads to the blog’s site.


U.s law week blog


Most of the blog posts contain photographs that describe the issues in the posts. Many of these photographs are of protestors or parties to major Supreme Court cases outside of the Supreme Court.

Picture blog

The blog also contains many helpful features that the reader can use to navigate through the blog’s material.

RSS feed: With this feature, readers can see recently updated content, can sort by date and title, and can also use a search box to look for a specific topic. To use the RSS feed, click the orange button on the top right hand corner that reads RSS.

RSS feed


Timeline: The reader can look at posts as far back as 2013. There seems to be no consistency in updating posts. However, a reader can expect a new post every few days if one is not posted every day.

Layout: The scroll down function allows you to see all the articles on one page. Overall, the site is very easy to use and readers can just click on the blog posts they want.


Author: Marin Dell

Texas Tech School of Law Library - Librarian, Attorney, Law Library Faculty, Adjunct Faculty, loves all things law, libraries and tech/Tech