UNC Press Law Publications Available on HeinOnline

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Recently added to HeinOnline, are books published by the University of North Carolina Press. Hein has added more than 120 titles from this publisher and they are available at no extra cost! The UNC Press has a national and international reputation for publishing quality books. These books cover a variety of topics and include both current and historical titles. They can be found throughout HeinOnline in their subject-appropriate collections. Some of the popular titles include:
captive-nationCaptive Nation: Black Prison Organizing in the Civil Rights Era (2014) written by Dan Berger

sexual-injusticeSexual Injustice: Supreme Court Decisions from Griswold to Roe (2010) written by Marc Stein

national-insecuritiesNational Insecurities: Immigrants and U.S. Deportation Policy Since 1882 (2012) written by Deirdre M. Moloney


There are many more titles available to you covering a multitude of subjects! For the full collection from the UNC Press in alphabetical order, please click here.